Campus Life

My Professor Thinks I Cheated: Confronting the Accusation

My Professor Thinks I Cheated: Confronting the Accusation

Relationships with teachers and professors can be difficult to navigate in higher education or collegiate settings. Sometimes sticky situations might arise, especially those revolving around cheating or plagiarism. You might be wrestling with the question, what should I do if my professor thinks I cheated?  If your professor thinks you cheated, you need to confront…

Can Professors Drop Students? This May Surprise You!

Can Professors Drop Students? This May Surprise You!

As of September of 2021, the college dropout rate averages around 40% of undergraduates in the United States (source).  What counts as excessive absenteeism often depends on the professor. Most professors would consider missing five or more consecutive classes excessive. Other professors track absences based on the percentage of class time missed. For example, if…

Professor Won’t Respond to Emails? Here’s Why And What To Do

Professor Won’t Respond to Emails? Here’s Why And What To Do

You have an important question for your professor, and you’ve already sent several emails but haven’t received a response. You need an answer soon, but unfortunately, many professors are not good at answering emails. So what do you do when a professor isn’t responding to emails?  If your professor is not responding to your emails,…

Is Khan Academy Good For College Students?

Is Khan Academy Good For College Students?

College can often be held completely online for less money than a traditional college with in-person classes. Khan Academy is one online learning platform that provides a cost-conscious alternative to traditional classes. However, should college students use Khan Academy courses to help them in their traditional in-person classes? Khan Academy is good for college students…

College vs. High School Graduation: Similarities and Differences

College vs. High School Graduation: Similarities and Differences

Graduating high school and graduating from college are both major accomplishments that should be enjoyed and celebrated. They are very similar in many ways, but they are also different. College graduation is like high school in that it involves a celebration of accomplishments after completing a degree. The ceremony is similar, involving speeches from high-performing…

Is Organic Chemistry Easier at Community College?
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Is Organic Chemistry Easier at Community College?

Organic chemistry is regarded as a killer pre-medical course because it sifts out discouraged students from career paths like medicine. Because of its notorious difficulty, many would want to take the easiest version of it. But is taking it at a community college easier than a 4-year college? Organic chemistry in community colleges is easier…