Organic Chemistry or Anatomy: Which Is the Harder Course?
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Organic Chemistry or Anatomy: Which Is the Harder Course?

Organic Chemistry and Anatomy are two challenging courses, and both are required for most science and healthcare majors. But which is more difficult, and why? As a general rule, Organic Chemistry is considered harder than Anatomy because it requires not just memorization but also calculations. However, the difficulty of the courses depends on the student’s…

Microbiology vs. Chemistry Which Is Harder?
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Microbiology vs. Chemistry Which Is Harder?

Students often find themselves deciding between the fields of Microbiology and Chemistry. Both Chemistry and Microbiology have great scope and opportunities for employment and reveal the underlying truths of our world and existence unseen by the naked eye. Both courses offer students a challenge, yet Chemistry seems to top the ranks of all-time college difficulty. …

Is Khan Academy Good For College Students?

Is Khan Academy Good For College Students?

College can often be held completely online for less money than a traditional college with in-person classes. Khan Academy is one online learning platform that provides a cost-conscious alternative to traditional classes. However, should college students use Khan Academy courses to help them in their traditional in-person classes? Khan Academy is good for college students…

College vs. High School Graduation: Similarities and Differences

College vs. High School Graduation: Similarities and Differences

Graduating high school and graduating from college are both major accomplishments that should be enjoyed and celebrated. They are very similar in many ways, but they are also different. College graduation is like high school in that it involves a celebration of accomplishments after completing a degree. The ceremony is similar, involving speeches from high-performing…

Do You Need Math for IT (Information Technology)?

Do You Need Math for IT (Information Technology)?

If you’re considering a career in information technology, you may wonder how much math is involved in the discipline. Do computer scientists and information technologists need to know how to do math? You will need math for IT. Information technology involves algorithms, logic, and data analysis, and it helps to have a background in mathematics…

Is Organic Chemistry Easier at Community College?
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Is Organic Chemistry Easier at Community College?

Organic chemistry is regarded as a killer pre-medical course because it sifts out discouraged students from career paths like medicine. Because of its notorious difficulty, many would want to take the easiest version of it. But is taking it at a community college easier than a 4-year college? Organic chemistry in community colleges is easier…