Do Colleges Look at Quarter or Semester Grades?

Do Colleges Look at Quarter or Semester Grades?

When applying to college, it’s essential to understand what the admissions team is looking for. The better you understand how colleges will be evaluating you, the more prepared you will be for the application and acceptance process. One topic many high schoolers find themselves wondering about is how closely colleges are examining their grades.  Colleges…

Why Do Colleges Charge More for Out-of-State Students?

Why Do Colleges Charge More for Out-of-State Students?

The decision on which college to attend has far-reaching consequences for any student. According to Trends indicate that most students are willing to enroll in colleges outside their state despite the greater cost implications of out-of-state tuition. Colleges charge more for out-of-state students because they’re funded by taxes paid by state residents. As a result,…

Why Do Some Universities Still Use Chalkboards?

Why Do Some Universities Still Use Chalkboards?

Chalkboards became the standard in American schools and universities during the early 1800s and continued being a classroom staple until 1999. Right before the turn of the millennium, whiteboards and smartboards outsold chalkboards by a significant margin. However, many universities across the country still use chalkboards — but with the rapidly changing digital age, you…